By referencing a row within a table or any variable, changes can be made to that row or variable. Field-symbols cannot be used on their own. A variable needs to be assigned to them. If they are used without being assigned, a dump will occur. Therefore, it is beneficial to perform an assignment check before using them.

data : lv_string type string.
field-symbols : <fs_string> type string.

lv_string = 'This is string.'.

assign lv_string to <fs_string>.

<fs_string> = 'The words is change.'.

write : lv_string.
"The words is change.    

Additionally, this assignment can be made by providing the name of the variable as a string.

data : lv_variable_name type string.
data : lv_string type string.
field-symbols : <fs_string> type string.

lv_string = 'This is string.'.
lv_variable_name = 'lv_string'.

assign (lv_variable_name) to <fs_string>.

<fs_string> = 'The words is change.'.

write : lv_string.
"The words is change.

The assignment check is performed as follows.

if <fs_data> is assign.
" assign
" not assign

If the type of the variable to be assigned is unknown, a field-symbol can be created with the type any for the assignment.

field-symbols: <fs_data> type any.